Magic Planters

Look at these beautiful planters. Take a guess as to the material of which they are made. Blue pottery? Porcelain? Bone China? Clay? Cement?

Magic Planters
Magic Planters

You will never believe that these are up cycled from ordinary brown plastic pots.

I had bought ordinary brown plastic pots 4 years ago. Over the years, with exposure to the sun and rain, they became brittle and their edges snapped off. Then they started cracking downward and I had to scrap them.

Cracked, broken and discoloured planters

But the thrifty artist that I am, I saw potential in them. So I cut them to the height till where they were brittle.

Planters cut to about one-third height

After cleaning and sanding them, I gave them a white base coat. And then decoupaged them with some pretty decoupage paper and finally sprayed a protective glossy coat.

Et voila!!!

Magically transformed into bright and beautiful as new

The best of ‘best from waste’ that I’ve made. A complete magical transformation from broken and old to bright and beautiful as new.